Plating Safety Delivers Superior Results

At Guerrero Plating we are meticulous with every aspect of the work we perform—we have no choice. Our clients depend on us for our unmatched precision and quality with every plating project we execute. Clients rely on precision services due to the detailed nature of their applications in industries such as:


Most of the aerospace industry depends heavily on titanium or titanium alloy plating. It is used in the manufacturing process for various components and parts in aircraft. Whether titanium is needed or other metals for a manufacturing run— our plating services are essential to the process.


Automotive manufacturers such as Ford, GMC, and Toyota are always battling the forces of corrosion within their vehicles. Anyone who’s spent a few weekends in Galveston and forgot to wash their car undercarriage upon return knows about rust. These automakers depend on our zinc-nickel plating to stop corrosion in its tracks.


The medical industry uses many types of equipment made from various metals. Whether it’s an orthopedic implant, a surgical instrument, or stethoscope—it has to be precise. Plating has a critical role in the quality, safety, and performance of these products. Any defects or irregularities could seriously harm a patient.


Semiconductors are the cornerstone of the electronics industry. These partially conductive products—hence the name, are an integral component in all electronics. From cell phones and laptops to TVs and video game consoles—they’re all impossible without semiconductors. The plating materials used range from tin to gold, and each material has a unique feature. These features will have a lasting effect on the final product.

Precision Means Nothing Without Safety

We are very proud of our known reputation for quality and precise workmanship. However, it’s all for nothing if it’s not a safe work environment. When you manufacture products in an unsafe facility, 99% of the time you’re going to produce unsafe products. We cannot accept anything less than the best results.

Therefore, we run a very tight operation with strict and well-defined safety protocols. These protocols are carefully designed to affect not only product safety but employee safety. Good team members are hard to find, so we have a vested effort in keeping our team healthy.

Also, we have these strict protocols not just for our staff, but for the community we are in. We believe in being a responsible corporate neighbor. We only have one planet, and we want to make sure we care for it in the best way we can.

Therefore, we have one of the strictest safety protocols in the industry. Additionally, with COVID, we have been extra careful to avoid any outbreaks or spread. How we handle safety measures is a reflection of our dedication to quality.

We invite you—take a deep dive into our safety protocols—directly from our employee handbook. It will allow you to get a glimpse of the culture of excellence that permeates everything we do.

Guerrero Plating Safety Protocols

These safety measures are not suggestions— they are mandates and must be followed closely. Failure to do so puts your fellow employees, environment, and clients at risk. There are no exceptions, as we maintain a zero-tolerance policy. The safety guide is very detailed, however, if you have any questions ask the plant safety officer BEFORE signing this document.

Risk Assessment

First and foremost, we evaluate and document the risks of all identified hazards in the workplace. Whenever feasible, we remove those risks immediately. Where circumstances or logistics prevent the removal of said risks, we implement measures to mitigate, reduce, and manage actual occurrences.

Risk assessments are gathered into a report annually and are reviewed if any circumstances have changed or an incident occurs.

Chemical Waste Management

Waste is to be collected in the appropriate containers specified in the material handling guidebook. Most waste is collected in labeled drums specific to the waste collected. When a new container is nearly full notify the materials officer. Based on the chemical being disposed of, they will complete a hazardous waste label.

The lids on waste containers are to remain closed at all times when not actively adding waste. Under no circumstances should incompatible materials be mixed in the same container. Refer to one of the numerous compatibility charts around the plant. If unsure, contact the safety officer for assistance.

When needed, the materials officer will contact our EPA-approved chemical waste removal vendor for a pickup. All chemical purchases and waste removals are recorded so accuracy in labeling is critical. As always, never guess—if unsure of something contact the materials officer.

First Aid And Accidents

We have contingency plans in place in case of workplace accidents. Employees or visitors that have an accident while on-site must seek first aid and evaluate their injuries if any. We also have general first aid supplies for those with non-work-related illnesses or issues.

Our accidents, incident reporting, and investigation policy requires employees to report all injury accidents. It doesn’t matter the severity—it must be reported, even if minor. Furthermore, near accidents must also be reported in detail using the specified accident report form. All accidents and near-accidents will be recorded and investigated.

All reports should happen immediately after the occurrence. Following these timelines is critical to preventing a repeat of the accident before it’s brought to our attention. Failure to report incidents can result in disciplinary action.

Safety Through Training

Plating can be dangerous without proper training for the specific method or equipment you’re using. For us to operate efficiently and without accidents we must all be thoroughly trained. We recruit our employees with the specific skills and qualifications needed to perform the job they’re hired for.

A critical part of this training is the Hazard Communication training. This class is required for all employees even front office staff. This class teaches you how to spot possible hazards and risks and eliminate such risks. For training and compliance, all training is recorded and there is no expectation of privacy.

Chemical Handling

In the course of plating, we use several potentially hazardous substances that are volatile when not properly handled. Some are in very small quantities and don’t present a real threat. However, they should be handled properly at all times. The materials officer will provide you with all of the substances in use.

COVID-19 Protocols

With the advent of COVID-19 also known as “Coronavirus,” we need to be ahead of the curve in active prevention measures. It is our responsibility to protect our fellow employees, our facility, and our clients until further information is discovered.

Social Distancing & Mask Requirements

When not at your workstation and whenever possible, employees are required to maintain social distancing. Breakrooms have been modified to reflect this policy as well as all common areas.

All employees must wear a mask at all times and in all areas. Masks can only be removed at lunch tables while eating or once you’re in your vehicle.

Process Lines And Shop Safety

PPE & Respirator Requirements (Process Lines)

We will provide all necessary PPE equipment which you will be responsible for maintaining. Follow the PPE matrix posted at each process line when in the shop. All employees are required to wear their PPE as outlined in the PPE Matrix—NO EXCEPTIONS.

Employees are fitted and trained on how to use respirators when working with hazardous chemicals. As the PPE is provided to you, we also provide you with storage facilities and replacements free of charge.

We train all employees thoroughly on using the PPE properly and refusal or failure to do so will result in disciplinary action. You are responsible to report damaged PPE equipment immediately and you will be given a replacement. Under no circumstances is an employee allowed to use damaged PPE equipment.

Inclusionary For Contractors

If you are a contractor, you are not exempt from any of the safety protocols, and compliance is expected per contract terms. When arriving on site all contractors must sign in, agree to safety protocols, and be notified of safety monitoring.

Guerrero Plating Is Committed To Safety

As you can see from the excerpt from our Safety Handbook For Employees, we are serious about safety. That is reflected in the finished product you receive from us, you can rest assured you are getting the utmost quality.

Contact us today to see what we can do for your plating needs.